Laszlo's Hobby Projects

This is a very small subset of my hobby projects. By hobby I mean machining, electronics, robotics, sewing, amateur radio. A big part of the reason I don't list all my projects here is because I've not had motivation to document them as they were constructed and it seems silly just running around the house taking pictures of stuff I've done. As I document something going forward, I'll add it here.

I probably won't include household carpentry type things, since they're function over form. If I do "carpent" something aesthetically pleasing I'll throw it in here.

I don't have any intention of documenting computer programming projects here. If you're hoping to see web site source code or flow charts of hacking tools, I'm afraid you'll not find those here. Also, work related projects tend to be proprietary; And I'm not a big fan of giving away other peoples' stuff.

Kitchen Timer
Completed: 20040612
The MIRTH Project
In Development

Contact Laszlo
